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Discover diverse voices
and cultivate community

Male and female colleagues sitting and talking together

What We Believe

We value and celebrate the human spectrum of identities and experiences. That's why we work daily to create an inclusive environment that empowers a sense of respect and belonging.

Our Demographics

Our Unique Approach to Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging

We believe the strength of our business derives from having a workforce that represents the diversity of our customers and content. 

Spectrum & Belonging is part of our company's DNA, encoded in our People Principles. It means fostering an environment of respect and authentic connection.

We work to build equity and inclusion at every step, from our hiring practices - which seek to engage local and under-represented talent including caregivers returning to the workforce - to our Impact Groups that give employees a platform for affecting policy and content decisions.

We're always listening, incorporating feedback, and evolving our practices, striving for representation in our workplace the way we strive for it in our content offering.

Spectrum & Belonging in Action

Audible Impact Groups

When we see ourselves reflected in our communities and celebrated for who we are, we’re inspired to express our true selves. Audible’s Impact Groups encourage an environment where you can be you.

Pride logo

Audible PRIDE is a gathering of LGBTQIA+ employees and their supporters who assemble to engage, learn about, and celebrate topics that promote the community’s issues and interests. Our mission is to promote respect and goodwill for Audible’s LGBTQIA+ employees by openly and positively engaging with fellow colleagues.

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Women@ is a global impact group with local chapters for all women, including cis and trans women, non-binary employees and allies. Women@ seeks to identify and foster female leadership at Audible and strives to make Audible the best place to work.

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Caregivers@ is a community and resource focused on championing the unique needs of working caregivers of all kinds, and their allies. This group aims to improve caregivers’ experiences at Audible and provide a forum to share experiences, support, and advice.

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Women in Tech (WiT@) focuses on fostering gender diversity in technology, both inside and outside our walls. We mentor girls and women in the community and empower them to pursue tech careers, and we work to ensure that female perspectives contribute to the tech innovations that serve our customers.

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The Black Employees Network (BEN@) exists to provide its members key opportunities while highlighting Black employees’ connection and importance to Audible’s goals and mission. This group is committed to fostering a nurturing environment that recognizes the significance of intersectionality and allyship.

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Unidos@ exists to actively disrupt the status quo by serving as catalysts for change, who utilize Audible’s footprint in Newark and beyond to positively affect lives and amplify the voices of Latino/a and Hispanic employees, creators and community. We serve as the beacon that raises awareness and identifies opportunities to provide our unique cultural perspective.

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Asians@ strives to amplify the voices of and bring awareness to our Pan-Asian community including individuals of Asian descent, Pacific Islanders and allies by focusing on inclusion, support and networking. 

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audABLE@ is a group dedicated to the support of employees who identify as having any disability, including neurodiversity and invisible and temporary disabilities, and their allies. This group focuses on inclusion, accessibility, and empowerment, and is a forum for members to share experiences and spread awareness.

Play Video: Be Customer Obsessed

Be Customer Obsessed

Play Video: Imagine & Invent Before They Ask

Imagine & Invent Before They Ask

Play Video: Articulate The Possible & Move Fast To Make It Real

Articulate The Possible & Move Fast To Make It Real

Play Video: Study & Draw Inspiration From Culture & Technology

Study & Draw Inspiration From Culture & Technology

Play Video: Activate Caring

Activate Caring

Audible's People Principles celebrate who we are and where we've been, and guide the way we work shoulder to shoulder to enhance the lives of our millions of customers around the world. They reflect and apply to everyone who works at Audible—the entrepreneurs and operators, the dreamers and the doers, those who have worked here for 25 years and those who have arrived in the past few weeks and months.

View all Our People Principles